Most of the time, we make life more complicated than necessary. Take cream rinse or hair conditioner. It can be a lifesaver, for it achieves more uses than the average bottle of anything. Have a look!

SHAVING CREAM–Since my hair is really long (40 years' worth of avoiding costly hair cuts), I only wash it once a week, and of course, the final rinse is with “cream rinse.” What I discovered, though, is I can take my long hair covered with conditioner and rub it on my legs, then shave them. Now you can use just plain cream rinse in your hands and put it on your face or legs for the same effect, but by using the leftovers from my hair, I get a free leg shave.
STAINLESS STEEL POLISH–This idea is beneficial for those who like to save hotel bottles of shampoo, shower gel, and conditioner. No need to use your excellent stuff. Just dab the conditioner on a wet towel and move in a circular motion across your appliance. Also, hair softener doesn’t leave a harsh smell like some stainless steel cleaners.

GOOP GONNER– Have some goop in your life that needs bleeping? Well, instead of fingernail polish remover, use a hair conditioner. Rub some over that sticky spot, such as a label, and then gently pull or rub it off. The rinse doesn’t damage plastic like fingernail polish often can.
SHOWER POWER CLEANER– Notice the shower needs scrubbing? Then put some conditioner on a rag and go for it, even while showering. It seems to cut the scum and mold speedily.
CHECK OUT YOUR CONDITIONER– Ever wondered what exactly is in the products you use on your skin, teeth, and hair? Then click on this link and check your conditioner label against this website. It's worth learning what we're using on ourselves--the good, the bad, and the ugly.

In summary, it's exciting as a Frugal Catholic to watch one item handle many tasks. It reminds me of the Great Depression-era's practical saying: "Make it do. Do without. Use it up, and wear it out." This four-pronged rhyme is worth following because it further affirms that one item can often do more functions than we initially see. So cream rinse away and save money at the same time. It's worth a try.
Martha Wild King, M. Ed., Author
The Frugal Catholic: Learn to live on less to give and save more.