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Got Weapons?--Part #3---The Blessing Zapper by Beth Fredrick

Writer's picture: Martha  Wild KingMartha Wild King

The Blessing Zapper has been in my family for over a hundred years. This Spiritual Weapon was given to me (via its usage) by my maternal Grandmother, Mabel Dunfee, and I believe it was one of the reasons she lived to be 101. Mabel would always bless me or anyone else when we left her home. Her words left me feeling safe and loved. She would look at me and say: "May God bless you and keep you in his care all the days of your life. This is the prayer of Mabel Riggs Dunfee."

Grandmother's BZ in the above frame

Like my Grandmother, I began employing my own version of The Blessing Zapper since I first experienced it in 2016 when I learned how important it is to bless those around us. It is something I can zap on anyone without them knowing. And by blessing others, it blesses me. It frees me up hugely to bless my kind and good neighbor or the hateful one. With it, I can bless all those who have wronged my family and me, knowing that my prayer might be the only one prayed for them on this earth. My BZ also allows me to bless anyone who looks like they could use a secret prayer of strength. It gives me the ability to pray for those needs listed on prayer chains: to bless those folks with a powerful prayer in their time of need. And it changes lives in ways I'll never know because The Blessing Zapper changes human paradigms.

But most importantly, after I BZ the person, I mentally place them into my "Golden Box of Prayers." By mentally placing that dear soul in my Golden Box of Prayers, I pray for each of these people every time I pray The Rosary and or The Divine Mercy Chaplet. The BZ is a strong way to grow in sanctity, and it is such fun to use!

Like Grandmother, I have a fixed blessing which is:

God bless, guide, prosper, and protect this person: keep them in good health, and bring them home to heaven through the Catholic Church.

But don't just take my word for it. Listen to what my new friend Beth Fredrick from Colorado has to say about this powerful spiritual weapon.

Beth is in the middle under the "L" of Blessing. Other lovely gals are from The Ladies of the Tea Bible Study.

TFC--- Beth, when we were in The Ladies of The Tea Bible Study this past winter at Café du Cocoa, Littleton, CO, before COVID-19 hit, you shared how learning about the  "Blessing Zapper" had changed your life.  Can you explain when you first heard about it, what it is, and how it's helped you grow in your Christian faith?

BF--- My friend Martha suggested that when you see someone struggling--like a homeless person, someone fighting in a car, or someone stressed because of coronavirus, to take your hand and point it like a weapon but BLESS THEM in the name of the Father, the name of the Son Jesus, and the name of The Holy Spirit. I loved this! I do BZ people subtly so that they won't notice someone making a gesture with their hands; thus, I've become quite stealthy and non-descriptive with my BZ use.

TFC---  Do you think employing the BZ as a spiritual weapon has made you feel safer and freer?  Or even more in control?

BF---I usually pray a blessing for someone's deliverance and for the right resources to help them. This allows me to say less and not get involved directly with strangers. Older women, like me, who get involved with strangers could end up on milk cartons for missing people. Highly unlikely, but maybe...LOL! It is freeing to bless someone because they are made in the image of God and a son/daughter/brother/sister/cousin or friend. However, the point is to bless that person made in the Almighty's image and pray for them.

TFC--- What would you say to others who are thinking of using the Blessing Zapper as a daily spiritual weapon in these times?

BF---I am reminded of  Psalm 139, which states that "We are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Amen! " The Lord has mercy on those strangers we bless with our Blessing Zapper. To bless their personhood and humanness keeps me compassionate to pray for strangers.

Psalm 139:13-14

You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works!


Martha Wild King, M. Ed., Author

The Frugal Catholic: Learn to live on less to give and save more.

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