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Seven Daily Habits for Faithful Catholics

Writer's picture: Martha  Wild KingMartha Wild King

The more years I've walked as a Catholic, the more efficient I've tried to become. I want to accomplish the most with the least amount of work; thus, when I spied a book in our parish office which stated, "You too can become a SAINT and SAVE TIME, just draw closer to Jesus Christ." That sounded like a win-win. Wow! Sainthood and time management: I'm in! Now time management is a constant daily struggle, as I am sure many of you feel too, and sainthood is not up to me. But suppose it was this easy? So sit back, read, and see if any of these suggestions assist you in both endeavors.

This info is taken from Seven Daily Habits for Faithful Catholics by Father John McCloskey by

  1. The Morning Offering–This first habit is the one that sets the day– arising when the alarm goes off and offering your day to God.  No snooze button allowed.

  2. Fifteen Minutes of Silent Prayer–Set silent prayer hasn’t been in my spiritual repertoire for a long time. I do pray the Rosary with set prayer focus on each decade, but quiet, conversational, silent prayer for 15 minutes a day, seemed just like adding another “to do.”  However, I have discovered that these fifteen minutes don't have to come all at once; if I talk to God as "my beside me Father and friend" all through the day, like a Chatty Cathy, prayer comes easily. I can't imagine how annoying I must sound to God, rather like a mosquito who hovers, but then I know how much I love it when my Granddaughters want to chat with me.

  3. Receiving Holy Communion–The reality of the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist is what drew me into the Catholic Church.  Thus to partake in daily Holy Communion within the Roman Catholic Church is to follow the Lord’s Prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread.”  His Body and Blood are my daily food to start my journey outright, and as often as possible, I need to partake in this most amazing gift.

  4. Fifteen Minutes of Spiritual Reading–The fourth daily habit should be spiritual reading.  I read/meditate on a chapter of the Bible, two pages of the Catholic Church's Catechism,  and the saint of the day,  Saints–A Year in Faith And Art by Rosa Giorgi.  Everyday spiritual reading has been a huge source of Christian growth.

  5. Pray the Angelus–The fifth habit is one I generally forget; nevertheless, praying the Angelus at noon forces me to pause and reflect.

  6. Pray the Rosary–Praying the Rosary daily has been part of my pre-writing morning activity for three years.  I love to touch the beads, and I confess I am a Rosary hog.  I have 12 of them.   After praying, I hang the Rosary beads over my desk as a prayer reminder.  When all 12 are hung, I take them down and begin again.  Just looking at that collection brings spiritual comfort.

My 12 Rosaries from 12 days of prayer

7. Examine Your Conscience–Father McCloskey recommends taking a few minutes to go over my daytime in God’s presence.  Have I lived this day for Him? The Catechism of the Catholic Church #1966 states: “The New Law is the grace of the Holy Spirit given to the faithful through faith in Christ.  It works through charity; it uses the Sermon on the Mount to teach us what must be done and makes use of the sacraments to give us the grace to do it:” As a Catholic, the Church has given me the tools–the sacraments– to achieve these Seven Daily Habits for Faithful Catholics: I only need to employ them daily!


Martha Wild King, M. Ed., Author

The Frugal Catholic: Learn to live on less to give and save more.

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